Hugh Weldon co-founder and director of Evocco Technology

Our #EcoGeniusYouth today brought together his innovative ideas and technology to raise awareness of young people’s consumption habits.

Hug Weldon co-founder and director of Evocco technology. Diseño Andrea Goncalves

Hug Weldon co-founder and director of Evocco technology. Diseño Andrea Goncalves

Hugh Weldon is a young Irish mechanical engineering graduate, winner of the 2018 United Nations Young Champion of the Earth award, and co-founder and director of Evocco technology (@evoccolife).

Together with Evocco app co-founder Ahmad Mu’azzan, Weldon was won the UNITECH Carbon Footprint Challenge 2017, the What Design Can Do Climate Action Challenge 2017 and Climathon Zurich 2017.

What is the project Hugh created to contribute to the environment and healthy eating?

Hugh comments: «At seventeen, I went to Calcutta to teach as part of a school exchange. I met the most amazing people. Seeing the impacts of population pressure and poverty, I understood for the first time just how privileged I was to take food security for granted. Back in Ireland, I was immediately struck by how abundant food was, and how the very real impacts of climate change can be ignored.

While half the population – 54 per cent according to Pew Research – believe that climate change is a serious problem, the solutions seem too big for ordinary people to tackle. Consumers are bombarded with information about climate change: heat waves sweep the continent and climate refugees flood Europe. But as individuals, what can we do about it?»

Evocco Technology

Evocco Technology

Evocco is an app that you can download to your cell phone to help you do your shopping in a greener way (available in Ireland and the UK). Just take a photo of your receipt and the app will tell you how much of an ecological impact you’re having, tracking it over time and giving you tips on how to reduce your carbon footprint.

Hugh told the United Nations environmental program that he decided to create the Evocco community to help people change their lifestyles and diets for the good of the planet.

Have you tried this application? Tell your friends and family about this amazing project.

#ecogenius #planetavital #evocco #evoccolife #UN #YoungChampionOfTheEarth #savetheplanet #healthyeating #WakeUpTheEcoGeniusInsideYou