Our #EcoGenius today is Alonso Martínez from Chile

Alonso Martínez, our #EcoGenius today really knows about technology.

Alonso Martínez. Diseño Andrea Goncalves

Alonso Martínez. Diseño Andrea Goncalves

A boy from Coronel, Province of Concepcion, Chile, who at only 10 years old won first place in the robotics contest of the Coronel Cchile,ommune, whose program is called «Energy for the Future».

Alonso made a device that allows to control the capacity, closing the entrance of people to premises or commercial establishments when the total required for the prevention of COVID-19 contagion is fulfilled.

The director of the Colbún Coronel Entrepreneurship Center, Claudio Inzunza, commented that both this amazing project and others presented in the competition, allow solutions to real problems of the communities through technology and robotics.

Would you like this device to be used in your country?  Share with your friends so that they also know about this innovative project.

Source: Iguana Robot