Our #EcoGenius today is Alexandria Villaseñor

Our #EcoGenius today is Alexandria Villaseñor (@alexandriav2005), born May 18, 2005 in Davis, California, currently lives in New York and, at 16 years old, is a recognized ecological activist who is part of #FridaysForFuture, a global movement on climate change.



Alexandria is the founder of @earth_uprising, a «rallying cry» for planet earth.

This organization is made up of a large group of young people around the world who are spokespeople for climate change and other environmental issues facing the planet. They seek to educate and generate environmental awareness in children and young people.

In addition to Earth Uprising, Alexandria is co-founder of the US Youth Climate Strike, a youth climate movement that strikes out at politicians in the United States and around the world to get them to recognize and take action on the impact of climate change, environmental racism and systemic inequality.

Alexandria Villaseñor

Alexandria Villaseñor

For her activism, Alexandria was awarded the 2019 Tribeca Film Festival’s «Disruptor», the 2019 Rachel Carson Award for Environmental Service and Politico identified her as one of the top 100 people influential in climate policy.

Would you like to be part of these movements?  Join from your country and your community and make change.

Share Alexandria’s story with others so that more people can support these incredible movements.

#ecogeniusyouth #planetavital #earthuprising #climatechange #usyouthclimatechange #ecology #sustentability #ecolifestyle